Sunday, June 22, 2008

Link dump

Hello, I am dumping a bunch of links here for easy access. Feel free to check them out, if you so desire.
a wiki site that I set up to meta organize and document myself.
the forum i set up at said wiki site. please feel free to jump on and post about whatever you'd like.
this is probably the most important one for now. this will be a personal website where people can access images of my paintings. it's still in beta phase, and i'm busy uploading files at the moment. it probably won't be live for another day or so.

Monday, June 9, 2008

so proud of tybot

tybot sold another painting this weekend. "girl with gas mask" has now joined the ranks of tybot collector pieces. here it is on our living room floor during the final cradling process. i love this photo, and it's a fantastic painting. definitely a favorite among visitors to the tybot/babetron abode.

(by the way -- congratulations, miss benne, on your stunning new art acquisition!)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

the pinecone